Foreign news agencies. Report of a whale aground last in the AL Number of Rory's life away from the coast, approximately 731 meters, which are still wondering why the whale was found aground along the coast in England, many The whale was found aground just a few.
Previously the whale was 10 m long, floating in shallow water in the village of Cave Fish. East of the hands of York session. The conservation of whales, which they survey found that more than 95 percent of the females was aground.
The whale experts. Some believe it may be due to changes in the Arctic Ocean currents are lower temperatures. Flows into the North Sea. By default, the water temperature is higher.
The whale just as Andy Gibson, the organization of wildlife in reserves for York session. After the whale had just aground. The opportunity to see whales just aground, is going to be very little in 20 years ago, the whales just aground in the United Kingdom, only three characters, and although it is sad that the whale just aground. But at least it would have taken a lesson.
In addition, a recent whale Fin whale, a creature with just one family। Neighbourhood Impact aground just north of Birmingham City, Lincoln Financial. It also found the remains of whales and other whales at the mouth of the river as well.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
The number of whale aground along the coast in England.

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